"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, September 5, 2022

Raspberry Pi

Just before the pandemic hit in March 2020, I had decided to buy a Raspberry Pi kit including a monitor that I found for under $100. Once the country shut down, I had a project to keep me busy.

As you might expect there are many sites on the internet that will guide you to set up the Raspberry Pi, including their main site so it was a matter of taking the bull by the horn and diving into the DIY aspect of the project. One of the better sites I found is Tom’s Hardware where you can also find other articles about technology. Surprisingly, it wasn’t as difficult to set up as I thought it would be even though I was entering areas that were foreign to me…I refer specifically to working with Linux. Working with a command prompt reminded me of my DOS days, before Windows came along with their GUI.

My goal was to set up a web server and for the most part, I succeeded after many fits and starts. I even had one of those free DNS services that provided a domain allowing me access to the server as I would my shared webhost. I would probably still have it going if my SD card hadn’t crashed wiping out everything I had done up to that point. After that happened, I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind to set it up again, not to mention that I had probably moved on to another project.

I recently came across an article that shows you how to set up a Cloud Server with a Raspberry Pi and after quickly scanning the article, I believe that I could actually do this, although I don’t really know what I would do with it once it is set up. Maybe it’s the challenge of seeing if I could do it, so I am going to try it and see if I could accomplish the same goal with the Cloud Server as I did with the web server. I am providing a link to the article in the event you are curious about it. Wish me luck.