"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is." -Vince Lombardi

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Backup Utility


I recently came across a small backup utility that has quite a few options. What is appealing to me is that it is easier to manage than many of the more complex backup software that is available for purchase or download. It is called Toucan and it can be found on GitHub or on the PortableApps site. I downloaded it as a standalone installation from the PortableApps site and installed it as I would any other piece of software.

Rather than trying to list the features of the software here, it will be just as easy for you to navigate to the site and read all about them while the software is being downloaded. It is a small download of 6MB and will take up 21MB of space once it is installed. I think it is well worth the download and will allow you to back up your important data. Here is the link for it. Toucan Backup Utility

I will be interested to hear your thoughts about it…use the comments module attached to this article.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Computer Games

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I was searching for a piece of software from my computer hutch today and came across the computer game MYST. I expect that some of my readers are familiar with the game and some may have even played it. It was a game very popular in the early 1990’s and while my son and I were not computer game players, we both gave this one a try.
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Sunday, August 7, 2022

Computers And Me

Many of you know that I am always in front of a computer and have been that way for the last 35 odd years. And that is in fact the truth especially now that I am retired. It wasn’t anything that I thought I would be doing, but things have a way of turning out.
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