"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." -Steve Jobs

Sunday, May 15, 2022


I was born in a small town in northern Italy. When I say northern Italy, I mean at the foot of the Austrian Alps.

I lived there for the first 9 years of my life and since it was shortly after WWII, everyone in the area was poor and unless your family owned land, your chances of moving up in the world were slim. Because of that, we immigrated to the United States and began our American phase in Connecticut.

There were many immigrants in the part of Connecticut where we lived and as such had no trouble fitting into the environment. It took a while, but our family started living better and enjoying our lives in America. However as soon as I was able, I left Connecticut because I had had enough of the winters there…I hate snow with a passion. I left by way of an enlistment in the Air Force and once I was discharged I moved to California where I have lived for the last 50 years.

Recently however, I have been thinking about my “origins” and having visited my old stomping grounds, I find myself drawn to the area to such an extent that I would love to go back. Of course, after this much time, there wouldn’t be anything back there that resemble what I remember, but the environs and the laid back lifestyle have a strong pull. Wishing it to happen and making it happen however, is not as easy at it sounds.