"In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love." -Mother Teresa

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Computer Games

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I was searching for a piece of software from my computer hutch today and came across the computer game MYST. I expect that some of my readers are familiar with the game and some may have even played it. It was a game very popular in the early 1990’s and while my son and I were not computer game players, we both gave this one a try.

From what I remember, it was not an easy game to figure out (at least for me) but once that hurdle was mastered, it became an obsession to see how many levels I could get to. The graphics of the game were lifelike and one of a kind for that era. Of course, perhaps the graphics were lifelike to me since I had not played any computer game prior that involved graphics. Suffice it to say that once the novelty wore off, the game box was placed on the shelf where I found it today.

It comes with a CD-ROM, which makes it difficult to play since most current day laptops don’t have a CD-ROM drive. To my knowledge the program has not been updated to work with today’s technology, but it sure brought back some memories. By the way, I don’t believe I ever got past the second level so I don’t really know how it ends. If anyone has played it, don’t spoil the ending for me. Who knows, maybe I will find an old computer that can still play it.

  1. David

    Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 16:12:55

    Yup, owned it and played it, back in the day. It certainly was a ground breaking game. It was the next step in the point-and-click puzzle/adventure game. I was able to complete the game, eventually.

    You could probably play it just fine on your system if you use VirtualBox with a Win 95 or Win 98 install running on it.

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