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Online Stats (a/o 7/24/10)
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Registered members: 159
Unactivated members: 1
Newest member: Clyde131

Users today: 64
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Users yesterday: 148
Users this month: 18575
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Pool Participation
Football Season 2022

Total Players:68
Regular Pool:62
Confidence Pool:24
Survivor I Pool:46
Survivor II Pool:40
BTL Pool:31
Playoff Pool:46
Weekly SportsBox:25

Players Paid:68
Fred's Follies - 2011
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on August 09 2011
GamesWe are just about 30 days from the first game of the season, and I want to welcome everyone back to Fred's Football Follies for 2011. Registrations seem to be lagging again this year and at the rate things are going, this could be the smallest pool we have ever had. On the plus side, the possibility of winning a weekly pool would increase, but the amount won would be lower that it has been in previous years. If you have not yet registered, but plan on doing so please remember that the deadline for the registration and payment of your fees is due no later than August 31, 2011. To register, click on the Registration link in the horizontal bar and make your selection of the pools you wish to play in. In case you are wondering if I have received your registration, click on the Picks Received link in the left hand panel to see if your name is listed. There are 15 spots left in the Weekly SportsBox Pool if you are interested in that pool. If you have registered for that pool and want an additional square, send me an email with the square number you wish to use. This will add $34 to the amount you owe or have paid.

I will post updates to the web page as the season progresses, so keep checking back here. As always, if you have any questions, drop me an email or use the Contact Me link in the left hand panel. If you know someone that may be interested in playing, send me their email address and I will invite them personally. Good luck and welcome back to the 16th year of Fred's Football Follies.
The Start Of The Season - 2010
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on August 29 2010
NewsThe start of the season is about 10 days away and it looks like we are going to have 59 players in the regular pool and 15 players in the confidence point pool. That is more than I thought would play, but 5 less than last year. Perhaps there will be some last minute registrations but if not, we are pretty much ready to go. The season starts Thursday, September 9th and the pick sheets will be online either Sunday night September 5th or early Monday morning on labor day. The picks will be due no later than 9 PM (PDT) Wednesday September 8th.

If you have not paid your fees, get the money in to me ASAP as you will not be allowed to make your Week 1 picks without having paid. There is a link in the left hand panel that shows those players that still owe their fees. As always, drop me an email if you have any questions, and good luck!
Fred's Follies - 2010
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on August 10 2010
GamesAs we hit the 30 day mark from the first game of the season, I thought I would take this opportunity to welcome everyone back to Fred's Football Follies for 2010. Registration is starting to pick up and this is as good a time as any to remind those of you that have not yet registered to get on the stick, as the deadline for registration and getting your fees submitted is only 3 weeks away. I will post a link that lists all of the players that have registered, in case you are wondering if I have received your registration. Click on the Registration link in the horizontal bar and make your selection of the pools you wish to play in. There are only 5 spots left in the Weekly SportsBox Pool if you are interested in that pool.

I will post updates to the web page as the season progresses, so keep checking back here. As always, if you have any questions, drop me an email or use the Contact Me link in the left hand panel. If you know someone that may be interested in playing, send me their email address and I will send them an invitation. Good luck and welcome back to this the 15th year of Fred's Football Follies.
Fred's Follies - 2009
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on September 08 2009
GamesI am running late this year to welcome everyone to the 14th season of Fred's Sports Follies. We are on the verge of starting the season and the picksheets have been posted and are ready for the first game which is on THURSDAY, September 10th!

The number of players has dwindled to 61 players for the regular pool and 17 for the confidence point pool. You can look at that as a positive because it means that there are fewer players that you are competing with, but evidently the economy has impacted the number of participants in the pool. As always take a moment to read the rules page as there have been a few minor changes that might impact you if you are in any of the Survivor Pools.

I am looking forward to the upcoming season and I hope that you all enjoy yourselves and possibly get some of your money back. Good luck and please let me know if you have any questions by using the Contact Me link in the left hand panel.



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03/15/2022 08:14
This is a test shout post to see if a notification is sent to the members without anyone visiting the site.

10/03/2021 18:47
Yes that sux. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while Cameltime!

10/03/2021 18:28
Yeah, it has happened before, although not very often. I can't believe I have 11 wins and no chance to win the week.

10/03/2021 17:39
Hey Fred, I haven’t played in the last few years but is this the first time we have had a winner before the Sunday night game even began ? If so, I’m sure it hasn’t happened too many times.

09/27/2021 21:01
For the 20th year in a row, HHR has managed to win some money in the pool, the only player to do so. Click on the Most Won 2002-2021 link for details. Congratulations HHR!

Player Winnings

Lisa H1761242
Marty B146731
David Jr186725
Fred B276617
Jenny T240425
Jenn B150400
Pati M276330
Joana H90275
chris r276200
Jimmy T230200
Ron N166200
Mark M110150
Rudy M186150
Staci D186150
Tom O266100
Bullet Bob15050
Kevin B18650

Visitors By Month


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